Useful Information


Moving into a new place such as a care home can be a worrying and daunting time for many reasons.  As well as the emotional implications of someone leaving their own home, there are a number of logistical and financial arrangements to be made in often-unfamiliar administrative and funding systems.

On this page you will find information that we hope will make it easier for you.  Our Management and Admissions team are also on hand for any questions and support we can help with during this time.

Funding Options

Navigating care funding can be overwhelming.  Read our useful guide on which funding is available and from whom.

Admission Processes

Understand what happens during the admissions process, whether from a private home setting or hospital discharge.

Power of Attorney

Our article explains the basics of transferring power of attorney and when it matters.

Understanding the different types of care

With a range of care types available, this guide helps you understand the different between EDI, EMD and residential.